On this page you will find information on accessibility options at the university of Göttingen, commonly referred to as “Barrierefreies Studium” (barrier-free studying). A barrier is anything that prevents people from fully participating in society or in their field of study. In the following text, we will introduce you to some contact persons, institutions and other useful information. In addition, we are of course available for more detailed questions and personal concerns during our office hours and by e-mail.
Your contact point at the university for questions about accessibility and studying with disabilities is the Representation for Students with Disabilities (Vertretung für Studierende mit Beeinträchtigungen, VfSB). The VfSB advocates for the interests of students with disabilities, chronic illnesses, neurodiversity (e.g. ADHD, autism…) and mental illnesses at the University of Göttingen. The representation meets every 2 weeks on Monday from 6 to 8 pm.They are also available as a contact for questions about and problems in your studies. They can be contacted by mail at vfsb@uni-goettingen.de or on Instagram
The Deutsche Studentenwerk has also compiled a lot of facts all around barrier-free studying. For comprehensive information, the handbook “Studium und Behinderung” is available online or for free via mail order, but it is currently only available in German.
Further useful websites as well as general contact points can be found below under “Nationwide networks and contact points”. For specific information on Göttingen and the university, see “Barrier-free studying at the University of Göttingen” and “Contact points in Göttingen.”
You can find scholarships that suit you by registering on the website Barrierefrei Studieren.
The BAföG contains various regulations on compensation for disadvantages. In addition, it is always advisable to seek individual advice from the BAföG office. After consultation/application, the provision of a communication assistance is also possible.
Age at the start of your studies
If there is an impediment (e.g. a prolonged hospital stay) preventing a “timely” start of your studies, it is also possible to be funded under BAföG if you have has exceeded the age of 30 (Bachelor) or 35 (Master) at the time of enrollment. However, this is only applicable if the studies are taken up immediately after the reason for the delay has ceased to exist.
Allowance on income
An additional hardship allowance can be claimed on the income of parents and spouse or partner – incidentally, even if other family members have a disability.
Allowance on own assets
In addition to the allowance of 7,500€, another part of your assets can be kept outside of calculations if it is needed/used to avoid undue hardship.
Extension of the maximum funding period
BAföG is paid beyond the standard period of study only for “irrefutable reasons”. For this, the disability and/or illness must be demonstrably the cause of the delay. It is particularly important that delays are made visible as soon as they occur. This is because if, despite a study-delaying disability/illness, the obligatory proof of performance can be provided after the fourth semester, it will be difficult to prove a non-culpable delay in the later semesters. Therefore, it is better to apply for a deadline extension as early as possible.
Change of degree program
If the course of study is changed only in the 4th semester or later, then a promotion of the new course of study as initial training is only possible if the change was made for an “irrefutable reason”. This the case, if the study is no longer continueable due to an impairment or the exercise of the achieved profession is no longer possible.
Loan repayment
The repayment of the BAföG loan can be deferred in case of particular hardship. For this purpose, a hardship allowance on the income can be requested.
Studentenwerk Göttingen
Department of Student Financing.
Central cafeteria
Place of the Göttingen Seven 4
37073 Göttingen
Phone: 0551 39-5134
E-mail: bafoeg@studentenwerk-goettingen.de
Aid / Social Service of the Studentenwerk
In addition to emergency loans, graduation loans and other financial aid, Universitätsbund e.V. grants can be applied for at the Social Services Office of the Studentenwerk. These grants can serve to compensate for additional needs, the purchase of technical aids or the financing of medical or auxiliary aids. Here you can also find out more about the Studentenwerk’s barrier-free dormitories.
Studentenwerk Göttingen
Social Services
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 4
37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49 (0)551 39-5120 (Mr. Staier)
Phone: +49 (0)551 39-5187 (Ms. Strauß)
Barrier-free studying at the University of Göttingen
Katrin Lux
Diversity Management
Department of Studies and Teaching
Wilhelmsplatz 4
37073 Göttingen
Tel: +49 551 39-7494
A good overview of the possibilities of disadvantage compensation at the University of Göttingen can be found here. Basic regulations for the University of Göttingen are, among others, anchored in the Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung (APO) in paragraphs 14 (5) and 21.
In order to facilitate barrier-free studies, it is of course possible to relocate courses to more accessible rooms. Lecturers or the room administration should be informed about a corresponding need as early as possible, so that bottlenecks can be avoided.
The SUB Göttingen also provides a service for students with limited mobility. You can find out more here.
Campus Assistance.
Dean of Students Office of the Faculty of Arts.
Humboldtallee 17
37073 Göttingen
E-mail: campusassistenz@zvw.uni-goettingen.de
Psychosocial Counselling (PSB).
Goßlerstr. 23
37073 Göttingen
Registration via secretariat :
Tel.: +49 (0) 551 39-4059
E-mail: psb@studentenwerk-goettingen.de
Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic for Students (PAS)
Humboldtallee 38
37073 Göttingen
Registration via secretariat:
Tel.: 0551 / 39-4596
E-mail: pas@uni-goettingen.de
Contact Points in Göttingen
Advisory Council for People with Disabilities
New City Hall
Hiroshimaplatz 1- 4
37070 Göttingen
Tel: 0551 / 400 – 21 59
E-mail: behindertenbeirat@goettingen.de
New City Hall
Hiroshimaplatz 1-4
37083 Göttingen
Tel: 0551/ 400-2176
E-mail: behindertenkoordination@goettingen.de
Contact Information and Counseling Center in the Self-Help Sector (KIBIS)
Long Geismar Str. 82
37073 Goettingen
Tel: 0551 / 48 67 66
E-Mail: kibis@gesundheitszentrum-goe.de
Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter e.V.
Neustadt 7
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: 0551-547330
Email: shk-goe@web.de
Independent Patient Counseling at the Göttingen Health Center
Albanikirchhof 4 – 5
37073 Göttingen
Tel: 0551/4887780
E-mail: info@gesundheitszentrum-goe.de
Back up – Support for careleavers
Lotzestraße 22c
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: 0551/4003166 oder 0551/4003231
E-Mail: J.becker@bfgoe.goettingen.de oder i.welnhold@bfgoe.goettingen.de
Federal networks and contact points
- The Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities
- Deutscher Behindertenrat (German Council of People with Disabilites)
- “Studying with Disabilities” Information and Advice centre (IBS)
- Federal Ministry of Health
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation
- Independent Patients’ Counseling
- National Paralympic Committee Germany
- Mentoring Program for female students with disabilities
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der überörtlichen Träger der Sozialhilfe (BAGüS)
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfe e.V. (BAG Selbsthilfe)
- Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Selbsthilfegruppen (DAG SHG)
- Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V.
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hörbehinderter Studenten und Absolventen e.V. (BHSA)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Spina Bifida und Hydrocephalus (AsbH)
- Society for People with Muscle Diseases (DGM)
- Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft e.V. (DMSG)
- Deutsche Parkinson Vereinigung e.V.
- Deutsche Vereinigung Morbus Bechterew e.V. (DVMB)
- Network for Students with Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Deutsche Morbus Crohn / Colitis ulcerosa Vereinigung e.V. (DCCV)
- Deutsche Rheuma-Liga
- Deutsche Tinnitus-Liga e. V. (DTL)
- Bundesvereinigung Stottern & Selbsthilfe e.V. (BVSS)
- Deutsche ILCO e.V. – Selbsthilfeorganisation für Stomaträger und Menschen mit Darmkrebs
- Alliance of People with Chronic Rare Diseases
- Society for People with Laryngeal Surgery
- Women’s Self-Help Group for Cancer