Refund of Semester Tickets

Every semester you have the option, under certain conditions, to be refunded for your semester ticket (train, bus, and culture). You can still use the tickets!

There are different types of refunds. Below you’ll find an overview with all the necessary information regarding requirements and the differend applications. Only complete and timely applications can be considered. There is no legal claim.

In the summer semester 2024, students who are enrolled at a second German university and have purchased a Germany-wide semester ticket there can also apply for a refund of their train and bus ticket. You can find a corresponding application here (the application is currently not available in English). Complete applications can be submitted until 30.06.2024. If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Social Affairs.

Type A: Students with a Disability ID

Typ A: Double-enrollment

Typ B: Hardship Cases


Reimbursement of train and bus tickets for students who are entitled to free local public transport under the German Disabled Persons Act (Schwerbehindertengesetz).

Partial reimbursement of tickets for students who are enrolled at another university in Lower Saxony and also have to purchase a ticket there.

Reimbursement for students in financial hardship. The income limit is based on the current BAföG rates. If special charges apply (i.e. dependent children), the income limit can be raised.

Application dates

1 April – 30 May or 1 October – 30 November

1 April – 30 May or 1 October – 30 November

1 April – 30 June or 1 October – 15 January






Refund with a Disability ID

Refund with Double-enrollment

LeMSHO: financial hardship

For advice please reach out to the AStA’s Department of Social Affairs during its office hours or via email.


Refund with Double-enrolment