Welcome to the homepage of the General Students’ Committee of the University of Göttingen (AStA). We are, as you will soon be, students of the University. In order to provide you with information before you start your studies, we have collected answers to some of the most frequently asked questions here. Just click your way through.
What is the AStA and what is the student body?
When and where do I start my studies?
What is an O-Phase?
The so-called “O-Phase” (orientation phase) is intended to make it easier for you to start your studies. Here you will be supervised by students from your faculty and your degree programme, the “tutors”. You will receive information about your specific field of study and get to know your first professors and lecturers. To make sure you have fun, the tutors organise a colourful social programme
How do I find out which lectures need to be in my timetable?
During your orientation phase, your tutors will show you how to draw up your timetable and put the lectures on it. Your Fachgruppe or Fachschaftsrat can also help you with this process.
When do I get to know my fellow students?
During your studies, you have the opportunity to meet many new people. We have set ourselves the goal of connecting new students – also across disciplines – through our support services. During the orientation phase, you will also get to know a lot of people from your discipline.
I would like to get in touch with my Fachgruppe/Fachschaftsrat. Where can I find their contact details?
The easiest way is to go to the relevant section on the AStA website under “Student Self-Administration“
Who can I turn to in case of discriminatory or sexist assaults?
You can write to the central Equal Opportunities Office or that of your faculty, inform the AStA Department for Gender and Diversity and contact the Psychosocial Counselling Centre for mental support.
In more urgent cases:
Campus security service: 0551 39 19888
University’s problem reporting centre: 0551 39 1171
Göttingen Women’s Emergency Hotline: 0551 44684
How and where do I get my matriculation certificate or other important university documents?
You will receive your first matriculation certificate after successfully enrolling at the university. Other important documents, such as your grades, can be obtained from the eCampus. This will be shown to you during the orientation phase.
Where will I be able to print documents?
The university provides you with a student account for the campus network. This allows you to log on to the computers in the library, for example, and use the printers from there. Many faculties provide students with a printing credit. You can usually find out about that during the orientation phase.
How do I raise my print credit?
What is autoload?
What can I find on eCampus?
- Start page: You can set this up individually. In the standard setting, you will find your currently borrowed books, your latest unread mails and the menus of the Mensas, among other things.
- Calendar: The dates of the events you have registered for via Stud.IP are automatically displayed here. You can also note down your own dates here.
- Email: Here you can manage the mails of your university account. Instructions on how to access them via a mail client can be found here: https://wiki.student.uni-goettingen.de/en/support/email/start
- SB / UniVZ: The SB stands for Selbstbedienungsfunktionen (self-service functions). Here you can, for example, generate printable versions of your matriculation certificate and other certificates and change your account data. The UniVZ (Univerzeichnis) is the central list of all events offered at the university, including all information about locations, times, possible exams and the like.
- Stud.IP: Here you can register for courses (not exams!), download files for these courses and receive notifications. You also have access to the various community functions.
- IPS2: With this program you can visually display the modules you have already passed. However, it is specifically set up for the Faculty of Social Sciences, and while is available for the other faculties, its function is not necessarily always reliable.
- FlexNow: You can use this program to register for exams. Always pay attention to both the registration and deregistration deadlines: if you do not register on time, you cannot take the exam; if you try to deregister too late, it is no longer possible, and in the worst case the course might get registered as failed.
- LSG/SUB workrooms: Here you can book workrooms in the learning and study building (LSG) and in the library (SUB). This runs on a points system: the more rooms you book, the higher your point account will be and the less far in advance you can book rooms.
Where can I find exam regulations and module descriptions?
Where can I find out what exactly is required of me in a particular exam?
Can I repeat a failed exam?
Under what circumstances will I be excluded from courses, and what about compulsory attendance?
How do I register for language courses?
In addition to the ZESS, some institutes at the Faculty of Humanities also offer language courses. You can find them in the Key competencies offered by the faculty, under Language competencies.