BGH ruling against Göttingen professor

As AStA, we are committed to a non-discriminatory and safe university for all. And we stand in solidarity with those affected by sexualized violence. In light of this commitment, we welcome the Federal Court of Justice’s decision not to uphold the professor’s appeal. We would also like to positively emphasize the university’s action against the return of the professor in question. For us, two factors stand out in particular. Firstly, it enforces the necessary accountability at an individual level. Anyone who exploits the power entrusted to them to such an extent through sexualized violence and abuse is not entitled to their position and the associated pension. Secondly, on a more general level, it is made clear that there is no room for such behavior at our university. Anyone who is affected by abuse of power and sexualized violence must be taken seriously. The signal effect of the decision and the university’s actions should not be underestimated. This can be seen as a first important step towards regaining the trust of FLINTA* persons in Göttingen University and increasing their safety. Nevertheless, we must continue to work on breaking up (power) abuse structures and institutionalizing the professionalization of protection against discrimination. So here is another clear appeal: don’t look away, fight back, you are not alone!

Statement of the AStA from 17.09.2024