Semester Tickets

From the next winter semester (1.10.24), the Deutschlandsemesterticket will replace this ticket. It will cost 60% of the normal Deutschlandticket price, i.e. €176.40 per semester. You pay this amount with your semester fee. The ticket will then be valid on all public transport in Germany.

You can find a FAQ about the Deutschlandsemesterticket here.
Information on the cultural semester ticket can be found here.

Urbabstimmung 2025

This year, the student body is once again voting on the introduction of semester tickets for winter semester 2025/26 and summer semester 2026.
Click here to vote.

The choices this year are:

1. the culture semester ticket for €11.60

2. the Germany semester ticket for 60% of the normal price; in winter semester 2025/26: €34.80 per month, i.e. €208.80 per semester

3. the bus semester ticket for Göttingen for €55.90 per semester (will only be introduced if the Deutschlandticket is rejected)

FAQ on the ballot

Is the price for the Germany ticket fixed? How much will the ticket cost in SoSe2026?

A price increase for the Deutschlandsmesterticket must always be announced 8 months before the start of the semester. For the winter semester 2025/26, this is February 1. We do not assume that there will be another price increase for the regular Deutschlandticket before then. This means that the price of €34.80 per month, i.e. €208.80 per semester, should be secure. We are not yet able to make a forecast for the SoSe 2026. In the event of a price increase, the student parliament will vote on the continuation of the ticket.
Will we then possibly introduce the Germany semester ticket and the bus semester ticket at the same time?

No. In the event that both tickets (bus and Germany ticket) are accepted, we will only introduce the Germany ticket. However, if this is rejected, we will reintroduce the bus ticket if it is accepted. If both tickets are rejected, we will not have a mobility semester ticket.
What happens if a ticket does not receive a majority?

A ticket that does not receive a majority will not be introduced/continued in WiSe 2025/26 and SoSe2026