Unfortunately, this page currently only contains political university groups in English. You can find more university groups for other topics on the German page.

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In the following we, the Volt University Group at the University of Göttingen, would like to
introduce ourselves and our core issues. We are a progressive political university group
and part of the Volt Europe movement.

Internationalisation: The majority of the challenges of our time take place independently
of national borders. We are therefore convinced that these challenges can only be tackled
on an international level. That is why we are in defence of a modern, international
university. In other words, a university that is fit for the future through international
cooperation in research and teaching as well as an international university environment.
For us, one thing is certain: nationalism is not an alternative, but a disaster!

Social justice and diversity: We are committed to a fair university. In terms of
educational equity, all students should have the opportunity to receive an education,
regardless of their social circumstances. We see accessibility, flexible opportunities for
participation as well as student financing as important points in this regard.
We also stand for a non-discriminatory and diverse university. Everyone should feel safe
and comfortable at our university and be able to develop freely.

Sustainability: As an important educational institution, the university has a significant
responsibility towards a sustainable society. We believe it has a duty to act in line with its
pioneering role and, true to its motto ‘for the good of all’, be a pioneer in socially
responsible sustainability. This is what we are committed to in the student representation.

If you would like to become part of our university group and get involved in student
representation, you can contact us at the following addresses:

Mail: volt@uni-goettingen.de
Instagram: @hsgvoltgoettingen
Website: hsgvoltgoettingen.wordpress.com