Hardship Refund

Students of Göttingen University who are disproportionately burdened by the semester ticket fees can apply for a hardship refund.

In order to determine a disproportionate burden the corresponding regulations (LeMSHO) refer to the statutory rates for students (BAföG). This means that the applicant must declare an income as well as any special burdens, if applicable (see below).

Both tickets (Deutschlandsemesterticket and Kulturticket) can continue to be used regardless of the refund.

Due to budget limitations, the student body can only approve a limited number of applications each semester. It is therefore possible that an application may be rejected even though it complies in principle with the guidelines.

For advice please reach out to the Department of Social Affairs during the Social Counselling or by email. We can also help with your application during our social counselling.

Please submit your application through the AStA mailbox, by email, or in person to the administration office.


Applications can only be considered if complete and on-time!

Application periods: 1 April – 30 June (summer semester) / 1 October – 15 January (winter semester).

The Application:

Always submit:

  1. Application form signed and completed
  2. Certificate of Enrolment for the current semester

Below, you’ll find an overview of the special charges you can claim in the application and the therefore required documentation.

Special charge
Item Necessary proof
Independent health insurance Disclosure of special charges Health insurance certificate according to §13a BaföG (no older than six months).
e.g. chronic illness, pregnancy, care responsibility, debt, long-term tuition fees (if unsure, please ask!) Disclosure of special charges Medical certificate, official documentation or other suitable proof
Single parent Disclosure of special charges Written declaration that the applicant is solely responsible for the care and upbringing of the child/children
Dependent children Disclosure of special charges

Child’s/children’s birth certificate/s

Semester abroad Semester abroad Documentation of semester abroad

There are some errors that occur regularly. It is best to check your application again before submitting it:

  • The application must be complete (do not forget your telephone number etc.).
  • If possible, please specify a German bank account.
  • The account holder should be the person submitting the application.