Department of Social Affairs

Welcome to the Department of Social Affairs!

The AStA Department of Social Affairs is currently headed by Gerrit Elsner.

We are here to help you with all social questions that arise during your studies. We provide information on our homepage, during our Social Counselling hours and by email. For more information, see the links below:

Financing of your studies
Financing of your studies
health insurance & fees
semester ticket refund
Studying with a child
barrier-free studying
Incoming & ourgoing
Other counselling centers in Göttingen


You can find more contact options, office hours and addresses here.

In the following section you will find some information, tips and links on the subject of finances, work, social benefits etc.. You will also find a list of counselling centres and offers of help for if you find yourself in a stressful situation. No claim to completeness!

If you have any questions, please contact us at!

Housing benefit

Housing allowance is only paid to students if they are not entitled to BAföG, e.g. if they are studying in a non-eligible second degree programme.

More information and useful FAQs:

Deutsches Studentenwerk:

fzs – freier zusammenschluss von student*innenschaften:

Telegram channel of the AStA Göttingen:

Counselling and support services:

Studentenwerk Göttingen
the social service, psycho-social counselling (PSB) etc. can still be reached by phone and email:

Telephone services:

You can find support in crisis situations without an appointment under the following telephone numbers:

Available around the clock:

Help hotline “Violence against women”: 08000 116 016 (free of charge)
Help hotline “Pregnant women in distress”: 0800 40 40 020 (free of charge)
Drugs & Addiction Hotline: 01805 313031 (chargeable. 0.14 €/min. from landlines, mobile phones max. 0.42 €/min.)
Protestant/Catholic pastoral care telephone: 0800 111 0 111, 0800 111 0 222, 116 123 (free of charge)
Muslim pastoral care telephone: 030 44 35 09 821 (connection costs only)

Consultation hours:

  • Nightline’s listening and information phone by students for students: Telephone numbers and accessibility here.
  • Children’s and young people’s telephone “NummerGegenKummer”: 116 111 (free of charge, Mon-Sat 2-8 p.m.)
  • Parents’ hotline: 0800 111 0 550 (for parents in stressful situations, free of charge, Mon-Fri 9-11 a.m., Tue/Thu 5-7 p.m.)
  • Sexual abuse help line: 0800 22 55 530 (free of charge, Mon/Wed/Fri 9am-1pm, Tues/Thu 3pm-8pm)
  • Information hotline on depression: 0800 33 44 533 (free of charge, Mon/Thurs/Thurs 1-5 p.m., Wed/Fri: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)
  • Information hotline on eating disorders: 02 21 89 20 31 (connection costs only, Mon-Thu 10am-2pm, Fri-Sun 10am-6pm)
  • Confidential telephone “Jewish hotline”: 0211 4698520, 0211 4698521 (connection costs only, Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sun 1pm-4pm)

Online offers:
Help hotline Violence against women.
– Chat counselling, mail counselling, counselling in sign language, offers in plain language

Help hotline Pregnant in distress
– Mail counselling, chat counselling (by appointment)

Drug and addiction support
– Local drop-in centres:
– Supervised chat (Freundeskreise für Suchtkrankenhilfe): day 19-21 h)
– Counselling chat of the Catholic addiction support (Caritas):
– Child and youth helpline “NummerGegenKummer”:

– Contact points for queer people:
– Protestant/Catholic telephone counselling:

Offers for psychological stress (not a substitute for therapy!):
iFightDepression: registration by mail via the Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe (accessible for six weeks without therapeutic accompaniment):
– Various training courses for students, provided you are not in an acute crisis:
– Certified psychological online counsellors:
– Online counselling by Deutsche Angsthilfe: